Казахстан 24/7 |csfreinds.ru|

Info about Казахстан 24/7 |csfreinds.ru|

Server address:
Web page:http://vk.com/csfriendspub
Players:7 / 32

Server was added 26.03.2016.
Last seen online 23.07.2024 19:44.
Average uptime 96.66%.

Latest orders

Date of start Service Amount
28.11.2016 11:51:47 Boost 1 CIRCLE
28.11.2016 11:50:08 Boost 1 CIRCLE
15.05.2016 05:18:24 Boost 1 CIRCLE

Select the service - Plus or Boost


Your server is added to the search (masterserver) immediately after successful payment and is listed there during the whole paid period. Players see your server, connect to it, add it into favorites if they like it.


Your server is added to the top of the search (masterserver) on the first-in first-our basis immediately after successful payment. When other clients order Boost your server is shifted down in the list until it will be kicked out (when only 1 boost bought) or returned to the first position if there are more boost circles left.

Paid services will be ordered for the server

By ordering our services you agree with the Rules of our service.

0 €

Supported payment methods:

PayPal, Payeer, Freekassa, IK.